Cute Poems

Cute Poems

Cute Rhyming Poems

Those who have studied poetry know that rhyming is only one style of writing a poem. The real criterion that defines a poem is whether I am writing something that could not be conveyed in prose. The strict grammatical rules that define prose have no place for a real poem's sentiment. At the same time a poem doesn't need to convey a profound message in order to qualify. A poem that is cute may very easily fit the this criterion as well.

  1. The Ballad Of Rum

    • By Peter R Wolveridge
    • Published: December 2015

    Poem About A Loveable Guard Dog

    A dog wandered into our garden one day,
    A friendly old mutt, didn't look like a stray.
    We never discovered whence he had come,
    But we brushed him and fed him and the kids called him Rum.

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    • Poem of the Day

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    That is such a good poem. My husband had a large Doberman. Everyone was afraid of this dog, but he would lay on the floor with our children and let them pull on his ears. My Husband said he...

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    Hi Marybeth. What a cute story...he sounds adorable. It reminded me of our previous dog, also a lab, who was our resident present opener. She loved nothing more than tearing off wrapping...

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    So cute!! Like the spaghetti, chocolate, ice-cream. It's the kids that get the dirtiest, that have the most fun. It's a lifetime of adventure and silliness that they will remember forever....

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  2. King For A Day

    • By Jo McNally
    • Published: October 2013

    Cute Poem About Thanksgiving Meal From Turkey's Viewpoint

    I'm resting here quite regally,
    The feature of the table.
    Surrounded by potatoes that
    I'd taste if I were able.

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    This poem is definitely original and unique. I just never would have thought of looking at Thanksgiving from the turkey's point of view. Very cute poem. I really enjoyed it!

  3. The Benefits Of Exercise

    • By Alan Balter
    • Published: October 2017

    Funny Poem About The Difficulty Of Losing Weight

    All my life I've been extra large, plus
    I'm known as a very large fellow.
    I would easily pass as a school district bus
    If somebody painted me yellow.

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  4. My Five Kitty Cats

    • By Suzanne Hofbauer
    • Published: May 2008

    Poem About Loving Cats

    Buster, Sparkle, Newbie, Speedy
    and then there's Pixie our smallest kitty,
    One, two, three and four and five,
    they're so frisky, so alive.

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    An adorable poem for a cat lover. This poem reminds me of all the cats I used to have and will have.

  5. Lady Gagas Dress

    • By Gary Wickson
    • Published: April 2011

    I was at home watching TV
    flicking the channels what could I see
    lady gaga got an award and as she got out of her seat
    I was amazed she was wearing a dress made of meat

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    Awesome poem! It's really funny. I wish I could write poems like you do.

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  6. Green

    • By Nela
    • Published: April 2009

    Green is so important
    Because we see it all around
    It's up very high on the trees
    And on the grass that is on the ground...

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    Green is all around outside.
    Green is the color of trees.
    Green is nature.
    Green helps us see.

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