Updated on 22 Feb 2022 with new details and timelines.

Whether organizing research, annotating articles, generating a bibliography or sharing references, Mendeley has been in that location to help ease the workflow of millions of researchers around the world. Using valuable feedback from our users, we have developed a completely new build of the reference manager that is more resilient, streamlined and intuitive – and we can't wait for you to endeavor it.

Do more than with Mendeley

Mendeley Reference Director simplifies your unabridged referencing workflow and provides what you demand to stay organized and focused on what matters – your inquiry. Mendeley Cite, an add-in for Microsoft Word, makes citing seamless. Together they brand storing, organizing, annotating, sharing and citing references more than efficient than ever before.

Effort the new Mendeley to:

  • Work in dissimilar locations with identical desktop and web versions
  • Insert citations seamlessly while writing – without having to exit your document
  • Relish peace of mind with automatic sync, knowing that your latest changes are e'er backed up in the deject
  • Collaborate with others in real fourth dimension – automated sync enables sharing and annotating papers alongside team members in private groups
  • Experience the reliability of software regularly updated with new features and releases

A closer look

Mendeley's new reference management suite consists of iii integrated applications that together provide you lot with a single, powerful solution.

Mendeley Reference Managing director – Installed on your desktop or as a web application, you can easily organize all your references in one library using collections and tags, and discover important references quickly with keyword search and filtering. The congenital-in notebook helps you go along your thoughts organized in one place. Create notebook pages for dissimilar topics and use them to collect annotations and highlighted text from PDFs every bit you read them. Create and participate in individual groups from within the app and share resources and annotations efficiently with a team. Y'all can switch seamlessly betwixt desktop and spider web versions of the reference managing director for convenient access to your inquiry on any computer.

Mendeley Cite – Generate citations and bibliographies and modify commendation mode in just a few clicks with the new Mendeley Cite add together-in for Microsoft Word. Your whole document remains visible while finding, selecting and inserting references – you no longer need to switch dorsum and forth between your library, the citation panel and what you're writing. What'south more, because your library is stored in the cloud, Mendeley Cite works fifty-fifty without the desktop version of Mendeley Reference Manager being installed. Compatible with Microsoft® Office 365, Microsoft Word versions 2016 and newer, the Microsoft Word app for iPad® and the free Microsoft Give-and-take for the web, Mendeley Cite offers users a range of options, and we volition keep to expand these in the future.

Mendeley Web Importer – Calculation this extension to your browser enables you to hands build your library of references as you search online. Access full-text research with one click where available, and spend less time navigating and more than time building your knowledgebase.

The three applications are fully integrated – your collections are visible and searchable throughout your workflow and so that yous tin rapidly and efficiently build, manage and cite from your library. Because all 3 are available on a broad range of platforms and web browsers, yous have the flexibility to work how and where you want.

The new Mendeley suite also has a clearer, more intuitive look and functionality, so that you tin get upwardly and running quickly and manage your references with ease.

How to upgrade

Mendeley Desktop users tin can try Mendeley Reference Managing director'southward desktop app worry-free – both applications can exist installed on your estimator at the same time. Ready to explore the new Mendeley? Here's how:

  1. Sync your existing library in Mendeley Desktop
  2. Download and install Mendeley Reference Manager
  3. Open the new reference manager, and sign in using your existing Mendeley credentials

That's it! With those simple steps, you are gear up to use a more than powerful version of Mendeley.

Mendeley Reference Manager volition supersede Mendeley Desktop in the long run

As part of the connected evolution of Mendeley, from 1 September 2022, users will no longer be able to download and install Mendeley Desktop software. Existing users of Mendeley Desktop will continue to exist able to sign into, utilize and sync their Mendeley Desktop.

Longer-term, once we are confident that the new Mendeley Reference Manager sufficiently meets your reference direction needs, we will begin the process of stopping all sign-ins to Mendeley Desktop. Nosotros will be sure to give you enough of notice earlier this happens.

We want to hear from you lot

Listening to Mendeley'southward user base of operations has been a critical office of developing the new Mendeley applications. Because we sympathise that your needs evolve, the product team is always eager to hear from you, so we can continue to build a Mendeley that supports y'all. Transport usa your feedback, ideas and suggestions someday from within the apps, or via the link below.

Nosotros are regularly releasing updates for the new Mendeley applications, which helps u.s. progressively integrate your feedback and suggestions. It also ensures that bugs are stock-still quickly and updates to approved third-political party software are implemented in a timely way. Our aim is to provide a smooth experience for Mendeley users, and so your attending can stay focused on your research.

The Mendeley team values the opportunity to provide solutions that assist researchers practise their vital work more easily and efficiently. We are proud to be a trusted partner to so many researchers around the globe, and committed to supporting you and your research today – and into the future.

Endeavour the new Mendeley Reference Manager now.

Your experience matters

We welcome your feedback about the new Mendeley Reference Manager. While we will be unable to respond individually, your message will be reviewed by our team and suggestions may be added in future releases. Provide feedback.

Concentrating our services on the tools that are providing the most value towards our users' piece of work – reference direction, enquiry data direction and citation solutions. What does information technology hateful for the Mendeley Community?

At Mendeley, we aim to aid researchers work even more efficiently then they can spend their time making discoveries.

As Caput of Reference Management Laura Thomson says:

"We want to take reference management off researchers' minds by making all the tasks related to collecting, organizing, reading, annotating and citing as elementary as possible."

To ensure we are supporting researchers as effectively as nosotros can, we regularly review what our users prove us and tell united states of america they demand and value nigh.

Based on our evolving understanding of our customers' needs, Mendeley is increasing its focus on its core reference direction, inquiry data management and commendation tools.

In recent months, we have made many improvements:

  • The new Mendeley Reference Manager now features real-fourth dimension sync of a user'due south document library to the deject, and then that there'due south no filibuster in seeing changes made to their library beyond all their devices.
  • Nosotros built a new citation add together-in, Mendeley Cite, equally a standalone extension for Microsoft Word and so that information technology tin can additionally be used in the browser with Function 365 and with Word for iPad without the Mendeley Desktop app.
  • Our refreshed Mendeley Web Importer now leverages Mendeley's itemize of open access links as well equally industry partnerships such as GetFTR to help maximize convenient access to full texts and save researchers even more time in importing them to their libraries.
  • Mendeley Data has expanded coverage to more than 25 million datasets over 2000 data repositories, making researcher data fifty-fifty more than findable and citable.

To focus on providing the all-time possible service and experience for the users of these tools, we will simplify Mendeley and retire the following features from December 2020:

  • Mendeley Feed and Public Groups
  • Mendeley Profiles
  • Mendeley Funding

Our customers tin can find out more than near what this ways for them on this folio in our Back up Center which we'll be keeping regularly updated.

The new Mendeley Reference Manager is now available and we will continually improve the tool based the feedback of our users. Mendeley Desktop continues to exist supported and we remain committed to our Mendeley Institutional Edition customers. Mendeley has ever had open up public APIs, and nosotros maintain these every bit part of our commitment to interoperability, which is i of our four cadre principles, together with source neutrality, transparency and user command.

Mendeley exists because every researcher faces challenges with building their noesis, being personally organized and efficiently preparing articles for submission. We continue our cadre mission of dedicated back up to researchers in achieving these goals and intend to keep Mendeley available complimentary of charge.

Mendeley has been helping researchers simplify their workflow and advance their enquiry for many years at present, and nosotros look frontward to continuing to exercise this for many years to come.

– Rose L'Huillier, EVP Researcher Products

Mendeley Web Importer Chrome DesktopFor the past decade, Mendeley Web Importer has been vital for busy researchers, making it like shooting fish in a barrel to add manufactures from across the net to their reference library.

Today, we're pleased to announce an all-new version, with new features and a refreshed design. The new Mendeley Web Importer is available for both Google Chrome and Firefox.

What's new?

Rebuilt for reliability and flexibility

Mendeley Web Importer has been completely rebuilt to ensure rock-solid reliability in finding relevant references and uploading them to your Mendeley library.

The new version likewise lets yous get on with other work while uploads are in progress. It can keep uploading PDFs to your Mendeley library even if you lot close the window or switch tabs.

Preview the full text before calculation it to your library

Everyone's workflow is dissimilar. If you prefer to scan the full text before deciding to add together it to your Mendeley library, now you can but select 'View PDF' in the Mendeley Web Importer interface. The PDF volition open up within Elsevier'due south enhanced PDF reader, adding navigational shortcuts and clickable elements to the full texts. More enhancements are planned as well, so keep an eye out for future announcements.

Mendeley Web Importer preview PDF

Organize your PDFs into collections and share them with groups

The redesigned interface makes information technology clearer and easier to add references directly to the collections and groups in your Mendeley library. Mendeley Web Importer now as well remembers the concluding drove you selected, saving yous time.

Become more full texts than e'er before

We've introduced new engineering to enable the retrieval of even more full-text PDFs. That means that when yous utilize Mendeley Spider web Importer, you can have total confidence that you're getting everything you need.

If your business relationship is authenticated to a registered institutional network, Mendeley Web Importer also retrieves full texts from publisher sites, including ScienceDirect, Wiley Online, Taylor and Francis Online, and SpringerLink.

Huge accessibility improvements

Information technology'south important that everyone can navigate Mendeley Spider web Importer in the way that's best for them. If the keyboard is the right tool for you, you tin can now simply select either Ctrl-Shift-Southward on your PC or Cmd-Shift-S on your Mac to import references and full texts using only the keyboard.

No more than waiting for version updates

Websites alter all the fourth dimension. To ensure abiding compatibility, nosotros have a responsive development strategy for Mendeley Web Importer.

To ensure your version doesn't fall behind, meaning a sub-optimal experience for you lot, we now automatically pour updates to your browser as soon as they are bachelor.

Get started with Mendeley Web Importer

To get started, simply visit world wide web.mendeley.com/reference-management/spider web-importer.

For Google Chrome, if you already take the earlier version of Mendeley Spider web Importer installed, the new version will overwrite the existing version automatically.

For Firefox, yous will need to uninstall the previous version and install the new one.

Nosotros expect to release ports to Microsoft Edge and Safari later in 2020.

What's next?

The new Mendeley Web Importer is designed to salve you time and simplify your research workflow.

We always welcome your feedback on how to improve our solutions and services, so do permit the states know your thoughts on the new Mendeley Spider web Importer using our feedback form or using the 'Transport feedback' link in the new Web Importer settings page.


Mendeley Web Importer is just ane of Mendeley'southward reference management tools available to aid you build your cognition. Observe out more than about reference direction from Mendeley here.

Looking for communication on finer building your knowledgebase? Have a wait at this Elsevier Connect commodity on key steps to collecting and organizing research.