How Many Families Did Mayan and Aztecs Houses Hold
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Contempo Answers |
Would you lot accept lived longer living amongst the Maya or the Aztecs? |
How heavy would i of the skull masks take been? |
Answers from 2021 |
Did the Aztecs give presents? |
Which other foods were sacred apart from maize? |
In Aztec schoolhouse were you chosen by your nickname? |
Who killed Moctezuma II? |
Why did the Aztecs like to chant so much? |
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Why did they believe the world is a turtle? |
How did they carry the heavy stones to brand their temples? |
Which was the well-nigh common superstition in Aztec times? |
If yous were under 52 were yous e'er allowed chocolate? |
Once expressionless, could yous motility between heavens or levels? |
Answers from 2020 |
If you lived in Aztec times, what would you change? |
What are the 2 bulbs either side of the center of the Sunsonte? |
Going back in time, what one question would you ask the Aztecs? |
How did they choose their kings and queens? |
How many people lived in an Aztec house (2)? |
How many people lived in an Aztec house (1)? |
Why did the Mexica believe in a four-year journey to the underworld? |
How practise you say 'brother' in Nahuatl? |
Was obsidian worn every bit jewellery? |
What was the WORST job to accept in Aztec times? |
Answers from 2019 |
Were important people carried or did they walk? |
Is there a dragon in the Air current sign of the Aztec Sunstone? |
Were 4 gods linked to the 4 previous 'worlds'? |
How were Aztec orphans looked later? |
What was bronze in Aztec behavior? |
Why did the Aztecs believe in so many heavens? |
Where did the Aztecs go the names of their gods from? |
Did the Aztecs invent anything we nevertheless apply today? |
Did the Aztecs celebrate gods' birthdays? |
Could there exist more than undiscovered aboriginal books in Mexico? |
Did children learn to play the ballgame at school? |
Answers from 2018 |
Were there any female person Aztec rulers? |
Why did the Aztecs recollect gold was the poo of the sunday god? |
Does the unlike colour of maize depend on where it'due south grown? |
Does each of the 20 day signs relate to a particular quality? |
Could y'all exist killed for cutting down a tree? |
How many pages did an Aztec book have? |
In the nocturnal abortion did the burning ball give off noxious gases? |
If an Aztec tried to commit suicide would they have been punished? |
Nearly interesting fact you've come across virtually the Aztecs (iv) |
Did the Spanish get-go meet the Aztecs during the twenty-four hours or at night? |
What percent of Aztec guild were slaves? |
Is it true that the Spanish didn't like chocolate at first? |
Answers from 2017 |
Where was the Sunstone in Aztec times? |
Why were Aztec parents and then strict? |
Did the Aztecs e'er fight confronting the Maya? |
What was the Aztecs' greatest fear? |
Did the Aztecs clothing masks to take on extra powers? |
How rare was it to reach the age of 52? |
Who were the start to chew gum, the ancient Greeks or Mexicans? |
Did the Aztecs allow divorce? |
What did the Spanish exercise after the native population collapsed? |
Why did the Aztecs dance when they fought? |
Answers from 2016 |
Is the chewing gum tree only found in Mexico? |
Who invented the xx-solar day calendar? |
Did they conduct on playing the ballgame in pouring rain? |
Most interesting fact you've come across nigh the Aztecs (3) |
Did the Aztec gods ever make a sign or an appearance? |
Most interesting fact you've come across about the Aztecs (2) |
What toys did Aztec children play with? |
How long were Aztec children held over smoking chillies for? |
After the ballgame did they do man sacrifices straight away? |
Why did Aztec houses accept no windows? |
Most interesting fact you lot've come across about the Aztecs |
Answers from 2015 |
Were babies stolen from mothers in Aztec markets? |
Could Aztec children get to the market on their ain? |
Which was the near sacred animal for the Aztecs? |
Did the Aztecs accept hospitals? |
Which was the Aztecs' favourite game? |
If the Aztecs died of old age how long did they await to live for? |
Did the Maya and Aztecs take feathers for headdresses from other birds |
Which was the greatest [Aztec] goddess? |
Have whatever ancient rubber balls been found? |
If you died from hunger or disease, which underworld would you become to? |
When you find something buried, how practice you lot know it's Aztec? |
Answers from 2014 |
Why is it improve to support loads on the head and non on the shoulders |
Would yous like to have lived in Aztec times? |
How did the Aztecs decide what to make musical instruments out of? |
Why did the Aztecs sacrifice the men and non the women? |
Did the Aztecs coffin things for future generations like us to discover? |
Why did the Aztec gods destroy the four previous worlds? |
What was the highest position a woman could reach? |
Did the Aztecs began as a small, peaceful, wandering tribe? |
Do you know the names of all the Aztec gods? |
Why is the original golden pendant in England? |
Did the Aztecs ever come across the Incas? |
When did the Aztecs terminate using cacao beans for money? |
Answers from 2013 |
Why always Three hearth stones? |
How did they know the Fifth Lord's day would be destroyed by an earthquake? |
Did the Aztecs exercise any sacrifices taking out the liver? |
Were Aztec marriages arranged? |
How did a warrior put on the peel of an eagle? |
Which was the second biggest town/city in Aztec times? |
Did the Aztecs have a particularly BAD ruler, like we had Henry VIII? |
What did ordinary Aztec people turn into in the afterlife? |
Would a son inherit the family house from his father when he grew up? |
Did the Aztecs breed exotic birds like the quetzal for their feathers? |
How did scribes get rid of mistakes when they wrote their books? |
How were the stars created? |
Answers from 2012 |
Which museum has the most Aztec objects in it? |
Did the Aztecs work at night? |
Being held over burning chiles: differences between boys and girls? |
Why did Aztec shields have patterns on them? |
What was the Aztecs' virtually prized possession? (2) |
Did the Aztecs have cenotes [sacred wells or sinkholes] or caves? |
Which was the biggest group [job sector] in Aztec society? |
Did the Aztecs force you to be who you were - 2? |
How many people watched the [brawl]game? |
Were there medical teams on hand [in ballgames] in case of injuries? |
Why didn't Aztec houses accept doors? |
Did the Aztecs employ the pottery bike to make their pottery? |
Answers from 2011 |
What was the Aztecs' nigh prized possession? |
Why was the statue of the earth goddess re-buried? |
What did they do with the shells of armadillos afterwards eating the meat? |
Did the Aztecs say a prayer before eating? |
Why is the emperor chosen Montezuma [in England] and non Moctezuma? |
Did people get paid for cleaning the urban center? |
Did the Aztecs carve eagles and jaguars on their drums as messengers? |
Were in that location rich and poor in Aztec times? |
What animals did they sacrifice? Do people all the same sacrifice animals? |
Did the Aztecs force you to be who y'all were - 1? |
How did the Spanish translate what the Aztecs wrote? |
What sort of gadgets did the Aztecs take? |
Answers from 2010 |
Did they accept the same seasons equally nosotros do? |
Were there more diseases among the English than among the Aztecs? |
Did they send post (mail)? |
Were there any laws near getting married and having children? |
Who was the first archeologist to discover out about the Aztecs? |
Did Aztecs believe in war before they settled in Tenochtitlan? |
Why practise the twenty day signs run ANTI-clockwise on the Sunstone? |
Why was the Sun God called Tonatiuh? |
What happened to the Aztec gods afterwards the conquest - 2? |
What happened to the Aztec gods subsequently the conquest - 1? |
Why did the Aztecs just apply wheels for toys and not for transport? |
Is Náhuatl taught in Mexican schools today? |
Answers from 2009 |
Why did many Aztec musical instruments have animal designs on them? |
Which was the Aztecs' most fearsome weapon? |
How old was the oldest codex? |
Did the Spanish have an interpreter when they conquered the Aztecs? |
Take traces of real blood been institute on the cede knife blades? |
Did the Aztecs know of different star constellations? |
Did they take feathers equally from male person and female person quetzal birds? |
What if an Aztec warrior died or was killed in battle? |
When the Aztecs went to war, did they employ whatever [special] tactics? |
Why do at that place seem to be 2 domino pieces on the Sunstone? |
Did the Aztecs like symmetry? |
Why did they call them 'chinampas'? |
Answers from 2008 |
How did Aztec people tell the time? |
Why did Moctezuma retrieve that Cortés looked like Quetzalcoatl? |
Where did the aqueduct go to (from Tenochtitlan)? |
Did the Aztecs mark the landscape in any style when someone died? |
How many planets did the Aztecs believe existed? |
Was Snake Woman an Aztec empress? |
Did the Aztecs retrieve the world was round or flat? |
Is it true the Aztecs learned the cycle of Venus from the Maya? |
Which pet was the Aztecs' favourite? |
Did they have First Assistance? |
How big was the Aztec army? |
Why didn't the Aztecs inquire their gods to save them? |
Answers from 2007 |
How many words were at that place in the Aztec linguistic communication? |
Do nosotros only get food words or are there other Aztec derived words? |
Practise any Mexican communities nonetheless follow the old organized religion? |
Is information technology true the Aztecs fabricated a cede (on average) every 10 minutes? |
Why did they put holes [gaps] in the [upright huehuetl] drums? |
Are Castilian children taught most what happened to the Aztecs? |
What do the 2 snakes on the Sunstone mean? |
Which parts of the Day of the Dead festival go dorsum to the Aztecs? |
When did the 5 'useless' days come in the Aztec calendar? |
What was the emperor'southward house like? |
Did most words in the Aztec language end in -tl? |
Answers from 2006 |
Was there any contact between the Aztecs and the ancient Egyptians? |
How much free energy can you get from ane cocoa bean? |
What is the strangest thing you have ever learnt most the Aztecs? |
Physically how were the skulls stuck into the skullracks? |
Did the Aztecs have a god of snow? |
Did the Aztecs accept different types of chewing gum to today's? |
What tools did the Aztecs utilise to brand their jewellery with? |
What was the betoken of the skull rack? |
Which was the virtually powerful Aztec god? |
Why did the Aztecs worship maize? |
Did the taco come from the cigarette, or the cigarette from the taco?! |
Did the Aztecs vesture winter clothes? |
Answers from 2005 |
Which was the well-nigh deadly insect in the country in Aztec times? |
Did the Aztecs utilize brand-upwardly? |
Why were cocoa beans so valuable? |
Which was the near precious colour for the Aztecs and why? |
How did the hearts actually get to the gods? |
What did Aztec children learn in school? |
How long did information technology take the Aztecs to realise that Cortes was not a god? |
Which were the most common crimes among the Aztecs? |
Answers from 2004 |
Were there women warriors? |
Did the Aztecs have kings and queens? |
Question for June 2020
How many people lived in a house (i)? Asked past Shinfield St Mary'southward CE Inferior Schoolhouse. Chosen and answered past Nicholas James.
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Picture show 1: Types of houses documented by Sahagún's informants from the Aztec city of Tlatelolco, in the 16th century Florentine Codex. Construction materials range from simple pole-and-thatch structures to multi-room palaces made of rock masonry (Click on image to enlarge) |
We know surprisingly little virtually Aztec housing. None remains standing. Built, mostly, of light wood, clay and thatch, few houses were intended to last for many generations. Nor was anyone interested plenty, at the fourth dimension, to record the buildings and who occupied them. It was probably considering the business firm itself seemed less interesting than the habitation. That reveals something important near where, indeed, Aztec abode life took place.
There are three sources of evidence which compensate for our lack of information. A few Aztec houses have been excavated by archaeologists. Administrators of United mexican states City, the Spaniards' uppercase which replaced the Aztecs', did make measured plans of traditional houses and their yards during the before role of the Colonial flow. Thirdly, the housing of the Aztecs' descendants living in remoter districts of Primal United mexican states today has been studied.
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Flick 2: Contemporary Aztec thatch-roofed house. Firewood for the cooking fire is stacked to the right and some of the family clothing is hanging confronting the house on the left (Click on paradigm to enlarge) |
Today's housing looks much similar what both the digs and the Colonial records show. Written report of how such buildings are occupied and used at present makes us more than confident well-nigh how many people occupied an Aztec business firm.
Information technology is not a unproblematic affair. Traditional villagers today think of themselves as members of households rather than occupants of particular houses. Rarely do households represent to houses, one to i. The household comprises everyone living in a cluster of houses. These people are unremarkably kin, perhaps with friends who have joined them.
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Pic 3: Contemporary Nahua (descendants of the Aztecs) prepare for a local religious festival (Click on epitome to overstate) |
For, once grown up and married, a proportion of people tend to set upwards house beside their parents' abode. Information technology is more usually sons who stay, rather than daughters. Up to three generations may live in that location. The children, so, are brought upwards together not just every bit brothers and sisters merely as cousins too, in the care of aunts, uncles and grandparents too as parents. The terms for kin do not distinguish strongly between siblings and cousins.
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Pic 4: Model of a uncomplicated rural family'due south firm and patio in Aztec times (top); boys playing marbles abreast their houses in a Nahua village today (bottom) (Click on epitome to enlarge) |
Habitation life takes place in the grand or yards (patios) between the houses. The houses are little used past day. Mexico's climate is warm or balmy, later on all. Most traditional houses are single rooms without windows. Even in the rainy season, it is normally merely in the later hours of the twenty-four hour period that shelter is needed and and then people tend just to retreat to the eaves rather than sitting inside. By night, the houses are occupied by a pair of parents and their own children.
The aforementioned pattern, the articulation family unit (as it is termed) occupying pocket-sized houses around a yard, is known in other parts of the world too. To be certain, such families are rarer in Mexico at present; but the practice helps to brand sense of the Aztecs.
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Pic 5: Part of a planning document from 1573 (Plano 552) showing a simple Aztec firm, measuring three fathoms (ie xviii ft.) broad (peak) with (insert) the outline of an Aztec house foundation; program of an extended family unit home in Xochimilco from 1653 (below) (Click on image to enlarge) |
The early administrative plans from Mexico City show that about of the Aztecs' Colonial descendants also housed themselves in single rooms. The records show the sizes precisely, how the rooms were arranged around yards, and some details of the occupants. Other documents confirm that such houses were used in much the same way as traditional houses today: windows were rare in the early Colonial period too. Usually depending on how numerous the household was, the number of rooms varied, in most cases, from six or seven down to a couple or fifty-fifty just one. Some were kitchens, sheds or shrines but nearly would have been used mainly as bedrooms.
The solitary houses or rooms of that fourth dimension were probably for couples who had moved out to start a new household, peradventure in pursuit of a job opportunity. All existence well, rooms would be added as children grew up and married. Single houses were probably more common in the largest towns; and probably more mutual after the Spanish Conquest than earlier.
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Flick six: 'Adjoining houses', Florentine Codex Volume 11 (Click on image to enlarge) |
Archaeologists have investigated the ruins of a few Aztec villages where rock foundations and footings survived. The forms and sizes of the buildings exposed were like to both the houses recorded in the Colonial records and those in traditional villages today. At Cihuatecpan, almost houses were clustered but not gathered around yards. In stead, rooms seem to have been added straight onto each other; but the number of rooms to a unmarried building appears to take varied in the aforementioned fashion that the number of buildings effectually a chiliad varied in the capital letter or that the number of houses to a cluster varies in today's villages.
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Moving picture 7: The palace of Nezahualcóyotl, based on the Quinantzin Map Codex (Click on paradigm to enlarge) |
In Aztec towns and villages, there were a few larger complexes of housing. Virtually of the rooms in these buildings were of about the same size as those of ordinary houses but there were more than of them. These buildings were probably for the households of local headmen and nobles. The biggest secular buildings were the royal palaces. In effect, palaces were very large households, although many of the staff would have lived at homes of their own.
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Flick viii: Creative person's impression of a small Mexica family habitation at Xochimilco; illustration past Felipe Dávalos (Click on paradigm to enlarge) |
Nigh Aztec houses, then, were rooms that sheltered a pair of adults and two or three children at night. Depending on the number of adults, a household had more houses or fewer, probably varying from generation to generation. Dwelling house would accept included the whole group of rooms and, most chiefly, the yard between them.
Further reading:-
• S.T. Evans (ed.) 1988 Excavations at Cihuatecpan, an Aztec village in the Teotihuacan valley Vanderbilt Publications in Anthropology 36
• J. Lockhart 1992 The Nahuas afterward the Conquest: a social and cultural history of the Indians of Central Mexico, Sixteenth through Eighteenth Centuries Stanford: Stanford Academy Press [run into Chapter 3]
• A.R. Sandstrom 1991 Corn is our blood: culture and ethnic identity in a contemporary Aztec Indian village Norman: University of Oklahoma Printing [see pp. 107-13, 159-72].
Movie sources:-
• Moving-picture show ane: epitome courtesy of David Carballo
• Pix two, 3 & 4 (bottom): photos courtesy of and © Alan R. Sandstrom and Pamela Effrein Sandstrom
• Pic 4 (meridian): photo by Ian Mursell/Mexicolore
• Picture 5 (acme): paradigm (original in the Archivo General de la Nación, Mexico City) scanned from 'Los Barrios de Tenochtitlan. Topografía, Organización Interna y Tipología de sus Predios' by Alejandro Alcántara Gallegos, chapter v in Historia de la Vida Cotidiana en México, vol. I ed. Pablo Escalante Gonzalbo, El Colegio de México/Fondo de Cultural Económica, Mexico, 2004, p. 175
• Moving-picture show 5 (insert): analogy from The Essential Codex Mendoza past Frances F. Berdan and Patricia Rieff Anawalt, 1997
• Film v (bottom): prototype from Archivo Full general de la Nación, colección Mapas, Planos eastward Ilustraciones, nº 2844, downloaded from mexican states
• Picture show 6: image from the Florentine Codex, Book xi, facsimile edition published by the Club Internacional del Libro (Madrid, 1994)
• Pic vii: image from the Códice Mapa Quinatzin, p. 146
• Motion-picture show eight: illustration courtesy of Felipe Dávalos, from Viaje al mercado de México by Leonardo López Luján, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico Urban center, 2000.
'Home smoky home!'
See another answer to this question from Professor Jennifer Mathews
Nicholas James has answered 2 questions altogether:
Did the Aztecs forcefulness you to exist who you were?
How many people lived in a house (1)?
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