Can Baby Kicking Cause Your Cervix to Bleed 28 Weeks


What is a placental abruption?

Placental abruption is a complication of pregnancy that happens when the placenta separates from your uterus before your babe is born. The placenta is a temporary organ that connects a growing infant to your uterus during pregnancy. It attaches to the wall of your uterus, usually on the top or side and acts as a lifeline that gives nutrients and oxygen to your baby through the umbilical cord. The placenta also removes waste from your baby's blood.

In placental abruption, the placenta may completely detach or partially detach. This can decrease the corporeality of oxygen and nutrients to your baby and cause heavy bleeding in the female parent. Placental abruption is a serious condition that requires medical treatment.

What are the different types of placental abruption?

  • A partial placental abruption occurs when the placenta does not completely detach from the uterine wall.
  • A complete or total placental abruption occurs when the placenta completely detaches from the uterine wall. There is normally more than vaginal bleeding associated with this type of abruption.
  • Revealed placental abruptions have moderate to severe vaginal bleeding that you can see.
  • Concealed placental abruptions have little or no visible vaginal bleeding. Blood is trapped betwixt the placenta and uterine wall.

What is the difference betwixt placental abruption and placenta previa?

In placenta previa, the placenta is covering all or function of the mother's cervix. It's also called low-lying placenta. Recall of it as an obstruction that's blocking the get out from the uterus. Even though the placenta is in a complicated position, it'south withal attached to the uterus. When the placenta detaches from the uterus, this is a placental abruption. Both conditions can crusade vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and labor.

How common is a placental abruption?

About 1 out of 100 pregnancies has placental abruption. This condition is commonly seen in the third trimester, but it can happen any time after 20 weeks of pregnancy upward until commitment.

What are the furnishings of placental abruption?

Placental abruption can exist life-threatening to your baby and sometimes to yous. Complications from a placental abruption include:

For babe:

  • Premature birth.
  • Depression nascence weight.
  • Growth problems.
  • Brain injury from lack of oxygen.
  • Stillbirth.

For mother:

  • Blood loss.
  • Blood clotting problems.
  • Blood transfusion.
  • Hemorrhage.
  • Kidney failure.

Symptoms and Causes

What causes placental abruption?

The crusade of placental abruption is ofttimes unknown. Certain lifestyle choices or abdominal trauma can increase your risk for placental abruption.

What are the take a chance factors for placental abruption?

You are at higher adventure for placental abruptions if you have any of the following:

  • Trauma or injury to your uterus (similar a car accident, fall or blow to the tummy).
  • Previous placental abruption.
  • Multiple gestations (twins or triplets).
  • High blood pressure (hypertension), gestational diabetes or preeclampsia.
  • If yous smoke or have a history of drug use.
  • Curt umbilical cord.
  • Maternal historic period 35 or greater.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Thrombophilia (a blood clotting disorder).
  • Premature rupture of membranes (the h2o breaks before your babe is total term).
  • Rapid loss of the amniotic fluid.

What are the signs and symptoms of placental abruption?

Each person tin can have different symptoms of placental abruption. However, the most common symptom is vaginal haemorrhage with cramping during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Symptoms or signs can as well include:

  • Intestinal pain.
  • Uterine contractions that are longer and more intense than average labor contractions.
  • Uterine tenderness.
  • Backache or back pain.
  • Decreased fetal movement.

Vaginal bleeding tin can vary and is non an indication of how much the placenta has separated. In some instances, in that location could be no visible bleeding because the blood is trapped between the placenta and the uterine wall. Pain tin range from mild cramping to strong contractions and often begins all of a sudden.

These symptoms tin resemble other pregnancy weather. Always consult with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

Do you e'er bleed during a placental abruption?

Nearly of the time, you volition see some blood during a placental abruption. In the event of a concealed abruption, the claret will be behind the placenta. In that instance, there will be no bleeding. In other cases, the abruption develops slowly, which can cause occasional, calorie-free bleeding.

Talk to your healthcare provider well-nigh whatsoever vaginal haemorrhage you lot experience during your pregnancy.

What does placental abruption feel similar?

Yous may experience sudden or sharp pain, cramping, or tenderness in your lower pelvic region or back during a placental abruption. You could too feel your babe motion less. Yous should discuss these symptoms with your healthcare provider immediately.

What are the starting time signs of a placental abruption?

The well-nigh common symptom of a placental abruption is vaginal bleeding, although yous will not always bleed. You may besides have sudden, ongoing pain in your abdomen or back.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is a placental abruption diagnosed?

Placental abruption is diagnosed through an test and monitoring. You may be admitted to the hospital depending on the severity of the abruption or yous may be able to rest at home. Your healthcare provider will:

  • Enquire how much bleeding has occurred.
  • Ask where you experience pain and how intense the pain is.
  • Inquire when symptoms started.
  • Monitor your blood force per unit area.
  • Monitor the infant's center rate and movement.
  • Monitor your contractions.
  • Utilise ultrasound to locate the bleeding and to check your babe.
  • Recommend claret or urine tests.

At that place are typically three grades of placental abruption a healthcare provider will diagnose:

  • Grade 1: Pocket-size amount of bleeding, some uterine contractions, and no signs of fetal or maternal stress.
  • Grade 2: Mild to moderate amount of bleeding, some uterine contractions, and signs of fetal stress.
  • Grade three: Moderate to severe bleeding or curtained bleeding, uterine contractions that do non relax, abdominal pain, low maternal blood pressure, and fetal death.

It is of import to discuss any symptoms or changes in symptoms with your healthcare provider.

Management and Treatment

How is a placental abruption treated?

In one case the placenta has separated from the uterus, it cannot be reconnected or repaired. A healthcare provider will recommend treatment based on:

  • The severity of the abruption.
  • How long the pregnancy is/gestational age of your unborn baby.
  • Signs of distress from your unborn babe.
  • Amount of blood you've lost.

Generally, the severity of the abruption and gestational age of your baby are the ii virtually important factors:

If your baby is non close to full term:

  • If it's besides soon for your baby to exist born and your abruption is mild, you will be closely monitored until you reach 34 weeks of pregnancy. If your baby's heart rate is normal and yous're not bleeding, your healthcare provider may allow you to go home to rest. They may give y'all medication to help with your baby'southward lung development.
  • If your abruption is severe and the health of you or your baby are at risk, immediate delivery may be necessary.

If your baby is nigh full term:

  • If your abruption is mild and the baby's centre charge per unit is stable, a closely monitored vaginal delivery is possible. This is generally determined around 34 weeks of pregnancy.
  • If the abruption gets worse or you or your baby are in danger at any time, the babe will exist delivered via emergency Cesarean department.


Tin I preclude a placental abruption?

Placental abruptions are typically unpreventable. You can reduce your chance by:

  • Non smoking or using drugs.
  • Keeping your claret pressure level at a healthy level.
  • Keeping diabetes nether control.
  • Taking health and safety precautions similar wearing a seat belt.
  • Reporting any abdominal trauma to your healthcare provider.
  • Talking to your healthcare provider about whatever vaginal haemorrhage.

Outlook / Prognosis

What can I expect if I take a placental abruption?

This tin can vary depending on the severity of your symptoms and how far along yous are in your pregnancy. You tin expect to be monitored closely and oftentimes. Watch for any changes in symptoms and discuss them with your healthcare provider immediately.

What is my baby's survival charge per unit after a placental abruption?

The two factors that affect survival charge per unit are gestational age at nativity and the severity of the abruption. Early on detection, close monitoring, and quick treatment can help reduce complications.

Can I accept another placental abruption?

You lot have about a 15% chance of having another abruption in a future pregnancy. With 2 prior abruptions, this chance increases to nigh 25%. If you accept had a previous abruption, please let your healthcare provider know.

What are questions I should inquire my healthcare provider?

Your healthcare provider should be able to answer your questions and prepare you for treatment of placental abruption. Here are some questions y'all might ask:

  • Is my baby's life in danger? Is mine?
  • What are my treatment options?
  • Can my infant be built-in now?
  • How will I know if my abruption is worsening?
  • What are potential complications?
  • Do I need additional tests?

Oftentimes Asked Questions

Can sex crusade a placental abruption?

Sexual intercourse is not a directly cause of placental abruption. In most cases, information technology's perfectly safety to have sexual activity during pregnancy. Activities with a high risk of falling or abdominal trauma should be avoided during pregnancy.

Can sneezing cause a placental abruption?

Sneezing is a normal thing your trunk does and is not a cause for placental abruption. It cannot impairment your baby in whatever way. If you have whatsoever concerns about frequent and forceful sneezing or coughing, reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance.

Tin smoking cause a placental abruption?

Smoking tin can increment your risk of many complications during pregnancy, including placental abruption. Ask your healthcare provider about ways to quit smoking.

When do I call my healthcare provider if I suspect a placental abruption?

Phone call your healthcare provider immediately if are bleeding, cramping or experience pelvic pain during your pregnancy, especially in the tertiary trimester.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Placental abruption is an uncommon, yet serious condition women can experience during pregnancy. Talk to your healthcare provider if you experience vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or cramping. Placental abruption should be diagnosed and treated promptly to ensure you and your baby are healthy.


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